Glitter hearts
Glitter Hearts is an action-packed RPG in a fun filled world of everyday people who transform into powerful super heroes that fight off the forces of evil. Your character will try to find the balance between their everyday life needs and heeding the call to save the world. You and your friends will create your own hero, your own team, and even your own special mascot. With over 150 different moves to choose from, you can build your ideal magical hero that is uniquely you!
Glitter Hearts is available now at these locations:
Physical copies can be purchased through Japanime Games.
Support documents
When running a game of Glitter Hearts, these documents can help with your game:

Fan created content
Keep in mind that Glitter Hearts is run on the Powered by the Apocalypse system and any use of that system needs to follow those rules guidelines for using that rules set.
Open and freely accessible: You can use the Glitter Hearts IP to share your ideas, create your own GH adventures, or create your own character settings (Identity, Archetype, Connection) . What you make needs to be freely available to other GH fans. Your work must be available either for free or under Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) terms without a minimum price. Further, you cannot license it to others for commercial use. You can solicit personal donations or offer subscription-based content that includes the IP but only if non-donors and non-subscribers can also access the content.
Properly attributed. You must give Leatherman Games and Glitter Hearts credit for my work. Which means saying that the work is made for and based on Glitter Hearts by Leatherman Games.
It’s unofficial. Your ideas must be clearly labeled as unofficial fan material and explicitly not endorsed or published by Leatherman Games.
Make your own. Please respect intellectual property. Don’t use my creative work without my permission. This includes the text and images from Glitter Hearts in your own product. If you’re not sure, please ask.
No bad stuff. Don’t make content that hurts others, or that hurts the reputation of Glitter Hearts or Leatherman Games. Don’t make content that is in any way racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or defamatory. Any materials created for Glitter Hearts must honor the themes of inclusivity and acceptance. While the line is sometimes hard to define, if I decide that the work is offensive, harmful, disparaging, or inappropriate, I’ll ask you to remove it.
NFTs: Don’t create any NFTs or cryptocurrencies based on the Glitter Hearts IP.
Legal stuff. It’s your responsibility to not break any laws and I’m trusting that you will take on that responsibility as you create content. If you’re not sure, please contact a lawyer.
Nerd Immersion Actual Play
Things intensify as the Environmental Activists club learns of craziness happening at the football game!
The first actual session of our Glitter Hearts game is under way!